Welcome to the ministry blog of Dan and Anna Luddeke! Enjoy encouraging stories of what God is doing in CRU@USF

Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Home Sweet New Home

We are thrilled to announce that we have officially moved to TAMPA, FL!!! 

God provided a lovely little townhome in a neighborhood that is close to USF's campus. We are just absolutely amazed as we soak up God's lavish love & goodness in providing this place. It has everything we asked for and MORE!

 Here is just a peak at the new neighborhood... it is one of our favorite things about the new place.  A house photo tour will have to wait until we are just a little more settled... we are still trying to find places for everything. :) Enjoy!
Our little slice of home... although the building goes on to the right and left, our unit is just what you see peaking out there (the front door and big window on top & bottom).

The amazing lake we have across the street from our front yard... a dream come true for Anna!
We got the keys Labor Day weekend... spent Day 1 painting up a storm and moved in the following day.
We could not have done it without the help of our USF Cru staff team & both of our families!
City driving & traffic is definitely something we're having to get used to again.

Monday, March 19, 2012

Imagine the Impact

One small impact in water creates ever growing ripples…

This is the picture that comes to my mind when I think about college ministry. The ripple effect is a great analogy because the group of people we seek to reach will be the leaders of tomorrow. So sharing Christ with the influential people of this demographic can have a shock wave that potentially affects thousands of people.

As I thought about this opportunity my mind wandered to the question, “What exactly are USF alumni doing now?” “Which of today’s leaders were yesterday’s USF student?”

What I found was awesome…

SO who is the most popular person to ever come out of USF?

HULK HOGAN of course!! If anyone knows about IMPACT, it’s Hogan! OHH YEAHH!

While graduates of that caliber are hard for any academic institution to beat, with a little investigating it became obvious that USF alumni lead in more than just ripping their shirts off in the wrestling ring.

Did you know that (according to Wikipedia), USF grads now run several major business enterprises like BEA systems, Disneyland International, FedEx, Google, Norwegian Cruise Line, TECO Energy Inc, and Symantec?

In addition to that, USF alumni have held offices in the U.S. House of Representatives, Florida State Senate and House, and the Florida Secretary of State. Grads have also won many distinguished awards including Emmy Awards and the Pulitzer Prize.

The list goes on with some USF grads who have even gone on to be presidents of other universities like Central Michigan University, Virginia Commonwealth University, and Cedarville UniversityNot to mention a couple dozen professional athletes and even Miss America 1999! 
List of names can be found at http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/USF_Alumni

That is pretty impressive! 

As you read about these former students, IMAGINE THE OPPORTUNITY we have at USF as we work to expose EVERY student to the Gospel of Jesus Christ.
Who knows, maybe we can even influence the next “Hulk Hogan” of the wrestling world… body slamming people for Jesus!

Thursday, March 8, 2012

March Newsletter

Here is our most recent update. If you would like to receive an email copy of our updates monthly there is a place to subscribe on the left. Hope you enjoy! March 2012 Newsletter

Wednesday, March 7, 2012

The world in our back yard...

Lara and Robbie holding the "where are you from?" signs

Last week, some of the CRU staff and students set up a table near one of the student cafeterias in hopes of connecting with international students.

They set up a map of the world that students could write on with a sign that said “Where are you from?” in multiple languages.

During the 2 hours that the CRU table was there, more than 50 students from 24 different countries stop by and mark where they were from!

The table was our first coordinated attempt to connect with these future leaders from all over the world. Overall, USF has close to 1,700 international students. Please continue to pray that God would use us to reach the Nations that are here on our campus.

Friday, February 17, 2012

Diving Into The Gospel

I recently had the opportunity to preach at our church in Spring Hill on Sunday. It was an awesome opportunity! As I prepared to share on that Sunday, I prayed about a topic and only one thought came to my mind: "The Gospel". The most significant and beneficial things we as believers can do is fix our eyes on the cross and the LOVE that God demonstrated to us through it! The extent to which we are continually experiencing the Gospel is directly correlated to the amount we grow spiritually. I know as well as anyone that this is often "easier said than done"...

This message was a compilation of several thoughts and ideas that the Lord has used in my life to help me grow and mature in my faith. I hope that as you listen you may pick up a thing or two that you can put in your "spiritual toolbox" to help you experience the Gospel for your lifetime.

This was the video I showed to close my talk: Awesome spiritual analogy! (excuse the title)

Much of the inspiration for the sermon came from the articles: "The Gospel Centered Life" & "Hearing the Music of the Gospel"

Friday, January 6, 2012

Passion 2012 Conference

We just returned from a Conference in Atlanta Georgia called Passion. The conference had 44,000 students ages 18-25 and featured speakers like Beth Moore, Francis Chan, John Piper, and Louie Giglio. Imagine a packed Georgia Dome full of young people lifting up the name of Jesus in worship at the top of their lungs. It was indescribable and powerful!

One aspect of the conference was focused on the issue of modern day slavery. Each day featured different stories that brought to light the realities of human trafficking, child exploitation, and forced labor.

FACT: There are 27 million slaves living in the world today which out numbers the entire African slave trade! It is hard to imagine... By challenging these college to "Do Something NOW!" Passion hoped to raise $1 million dollars for Various charities that work to educate, prevent, rescue or rehab people exposed to this modern day atrocity. Some of the charities include: International Justice Mission, Tiny Hands, A21, and The Atlanta Project among others.
For more info check out Passion 2012: DO SOMETHING NOW

THE RESULT: College students stood in line for hours to give and when it was all said and done a total of $2.6 million was given. That's right, the same group of people who live off of Ramen noodles and scrounge in the cracks of the couch for pocket change gave almost triple the goal set before them to END SLAVERY. If that doesn't scream FREEDOM, I don't know what does.

The following is the story covered by CNN