Welcome to the ministry blog of Dan and Anna Luddeke! Enjoy encouraging stories of what God is doing in CRU@USF

Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Home Sweet New Home

We are thrilled to announce that we have officially moved to TAMPA, FL!!! 

God provided a lovely little townhome in a neighborhood that is close to USF's campus. We are just absolutely amazed as we soak up God's lavish love & goodness in providing this place. It has everything we asked for and MORE!

 Here is just a peak at the new neighborhood... it is one of our favorite things about the new place.  A house photo tour will have to wait until we are just a little more settled... we are still trying to find places for everything. :) Enjoy!
Our little slice of home... although the building goes on to the right and left, our unit is just what you see peaking out there (the front door and big window on top & bottom).

The amazing lake we have across the street from our front yard... a dream come true for Anna!
We got the keys Labor Day weekend... spent Day 1 painting up a storm and moved in the following day.
We could not have done it without the help of our USF Cru staff team & both of our families!
City driving & traffic is definitely something we're having to get used to again.